Donnerstag, 15. August 2013

pr0game 10x β (Bengine-OGame PServer) Test

pr0game 10x β is a pretty low rated OGame Pserver. The server started on 1st July 2013 and it will close on the 10th of October. Here some general information.

GameSpeed: 10x
FleetSpeed: 6x
Energy: 2x

No DM, No DM Features 

5 Galaxies - each with 499 Sunsystems
70% of you'r fleet goes to the debris field

At the moment I play for 24h on this server and I really enjoy it. In this time I made about 1000 Points but I think if you play more aktive you will make more points in the same time. There are nearly 500 registered players on that server. I think many of them are active..
I really like the design of Bengine. It's like the old OGame design (before that ReDesign).

The Nr 1. player in the statistics has about 7.000.000 points. But don't worry! The 10x Speed allows you to get many points in a short time so that you still have a chance to get up to rank nr 1.

A nice feature is that you can login and register with you facebook account. So you don't need to create a new account for this game.
I like it that there are no payment features. So there is no advantage for donating people who spend their whole money for the game, just to get up to rank nr 1.

The only thing I don't like is that there is no protection for noobs and some laggs. Some minutes after I registered I already got spyed by a player who had about 600.000 points. But he don't attacked me.

If you search a nice server without any payment features and low speed join this one! You can find the link on the right side.

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